This time, I read a book called, 'Heosaengjeon'.
Heosaeng was studying in the mountains with a plan for 10 years of studying. But he couldn't stand poverty and went to see the richest man in Seoul named, Byeon.
And he borrowed ten thousand nyang.
He uses this large amount of money for business.
First, he cornered the fruit market, and sold them at high prices.
Then, he started to sell agricultural equipments in Jeju Island, and sell rice in an island of Japan.
He also bought horsehair from Jeju and sold them to the nobles.
After he gained a lot of money, he used the money to help other people.
He also payed Byeon hundred thousand nyang. Byeong was surprised with all the money so, he followed Heosaeng to his house.
After that, they became friends.
One day, Byeon introduced a minister named Lee Wan to Heosaeng.
Lee had a talk with Heosaeng and found out that he is a really great man.
Lee wanted to employ him. So, he went to Heosaeng's house, but he is already gone.
There are two reasons why Heosaeng started business.
The reason on the surface is to gain money. But the real reason is to criticize Joseon's weak economic structure.
Heosaeng cornered the market for his business.
I think Heosaeng's idea was wrong.
Well, if you use the way of cornering, you can inform the people about Joseon's weak economic structure.
But, the fruit market business for example, a lot of people suffered because, they had to pay more money to buy the fruits.
If I were Heosaeng, I would have wrote a paragraph or a story like Park Jiwon, the writer of the story, to tell the people and criticize about the weak economic structure. In that way, the people wouldn't have suffered a lot, and easy to inform the people. I think we can go for the effect of killing two birds with one stone.
But, Heosaeng used those money to help other people, so, in my opinion, Heosaeng repaid the money.
It was a great time because, I could read an interesting story about Heosaeng.